Sunday, December 29, 2019
Marijuana and Employment Drug Testing
Marijuana and Employment Drug TestingMarijuana and Employment Drug TestingMarijuana is legal for medical and recreational use in some U.S. states. However, testing positive for it when an employer drug tests you can be an issue, whether you are a job applicant or an employee. The legal use of marijuana medically or recreationally varies from state to state. However, it is still considered illegal under federal law. In twenty-nine states, the District of Columbia, and the territories of Guam and Puerto Rico, it is legal for those dealing with constant pain or certain illnesses to legally use marijuana for medical reasons, as long as they carry a card showing they are a certified patient. To become a legal medical marijuana user, you need a recommendation or prescription from a doctor who is legally appointed by the state to prescribe medical marijuana.In nine of those states (Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington) including the Dis trict of Columbia, cannabis can also be used recreationally. These evolving laws regarding marijuana use create challenges for lawmakers and employers who test applicants and employees for drug use. Federal and State Drug Testing Laws Under federal law, cannabis use is illegal, and employers in industries that are heavily regulated by the federal government screen their employees randomly and include drug testing as part of theirhiring process. For non-federally regulated employers, federal law doesnt require drug testing. However, there are state and local governments that enforce laws regulating drug testing. Employers have the legal right to maintain a drug- and alcohol-free work environment, and are allowed to testapplicants and employeesas long as the employer clearly informs those applicants and employees of the companysdrug testing policies,includingpre-employment screeningand random drug testing. In some cases, anoffer of employment may be conditionalpending the results of a drug test. These policies may be stated in the job description, but most often will be stated in a clearly written agreement within the application or employee handbook, which applicants and employees are required to agree to and sign in order to be hired or maintain employment. Some employers have a company policy thatdirectly addresses marijuana use, while others do not. Marijuana Drug Screening Issues Drug screening for marijuana has become a debated topic in states where medical and/or recreational use is legal. The biggest difference between alcohol and cannabis is how they are detected through testing. Alcohol does not linger in the bloodstream like marijuana does. Someone can fail a marijuana drug test weeks after using marijuana because the active ingredient, THC, takes a long time to leave the bloodstream. A positive test does not mean the person is impaired at that moment. Instead, it just shows that they used marijuana within the last few weeks or so. On the oth er hand, there areon-the-spot tests like the breathalyzer to determine the alcohol leveland subsequent impairment of an individual at that moment. This enables lawmakers to create laws regarding the consequences of having mora than the legal limit of alcohol in your system. The technology to test marijuana levels with such accuracy has yet to be created.Without the ability to do accurate on-the-spot testing, it is challenging to determine what a legal level (the lowest level that does not cause impairment) of THC would be. Therefore, any trace can be considered exceeding the legal limit. Workplace Discrimination and Marijuana When someone holding a medical marijuana card is fired from his or her job because of a positive drug test, he or she could be considered avictim of workplace discrimination. Without the ability to test for actual levels of THC at the specific time the test is being performed, a person who tests positive for THC may not be actively high. Laws to reduce this type of workplace discrimination are being created to protect those using medical marijuana under the states medical marijuana program. Some employers are required to test employees under federal law or highly regulated safety laws for jobs like truck drivers or pilots where there is a legitimate basis for firing an employee who fails a random drug test. If an employer does not have to adhere to federal laws or safety regulations, the employer must carefully determine and provide reasons for firing a medical marijuana user who fails a drug test. Some states like Nevada and New York consider those who use cannabis for medical reasons as beinglegally disabled and have created laws taking this type of disability into consideration. These laws require employers to reasonably accommodate the medical needs of an employee who is a certified patient holding a legal medical marijuana card. Also in Nevada, starting in 2020, employers cannot refuse to hire a job applicant (with some exception s) for failing a marijuana screening test, making it the first state to pass such a law. In states where medical marijuana users are considered disabled, medical marijuana users cannot be legally fired because of a positive drug test. However, this only applies if the marijuana use does not keep the employee from doing his or her job, and does not affect the safety of the employee, other employees, the public, or anyone else in the workplace. If you are a medical marijuana card holder or someone who enjoys legalized recreational marijuana, research your state, your employers, or your future employers drug testing policy. You shouldnt assume that, because you are exercising your legal right to use cannabis outside of the workplace, you are immune to the repercussions your employer may impose on you as the result of a drug test that comes back positive for THC. The information contained in this article is not legal advice and is not a substitute for such advice. State and federal laws change frequently, and the information in this article may not reflect your own states laws or the most recent changes to the law.
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
What Debt Collectors Cannot Do to Collect Money
What Debt Collectors Cannotlage Do to Collect MoneyWhat Debt Collectors Cannot Do to Collect MoneyThe Fair Debt Collection Practices Act requires debt collectors to follow certain laws about how they treat you, and how the attempt to collect debts. But, this does not release you from your obligation to repay your debt. If you owe someone money, you should work on repaying your debt unless you plan to file for bankruptcy.Ignoring your obligations to others is likely to only increase your financial stress and could end up costing you more in the long run if you are sued by a collection agency.? All Debt Collectors are notlage Nasty Debt collectors often have a reputation for being nasty and for hounding people some buy up your debt from another creditor and then simply sue without even giving you a chance to work things out.But not all debt collectors are difficult to deal with, and if you try to work with them to resolve a debt, some can be very reasonable. For those who dont play by the rules and become unfairly tenacious in pursuing you, there are laws that protect you against unfair harassment, and there are also legal remedies and steps you can take to get creditors off your back.Just remember that with each action there is a consequence phone calls are recorded, letters are filed away so it is always in your best interest to be polite, fair, and professional because your words can come back to haunt you if you do end up in court. Debt Collectors are Doing Their Job Debt collectors are employees, and their job is to get money from people.How they go about it varies considerably, but their only purpose for contacting you is to resolve a debt.If you dont talk to them at least once to explain your situation (i.e., you are refuting the amount owed, or will pay it over time) they will keep calling you.If you dont take their calls, they may call family, friends, or just jump right into suing you for the amount you owe but they dont just magically go away and let you be. Sometimes, explaining your situation and offering a good faith payment is enough to turn a difficult debt collector into a reasonable one.Ultimately, debt collection companies just want to get money from you and if you do not have it right away, will usually accept payment plans over time.What they will not accept is someone simply refusing to pay or who slams down the phone (or does not take calls from creditors), and firing back angrily at a debt collector never gets you in their good graces. Refusing to acknowledge your responsibilities could result in your case being escalated, and you could end up in court.If you lose, you not only have to pay the debt, but you may also have to pay your legal fees and sometimes, even legal fees of the party who sued you. Restrictions on How Debt Collectors Can Contact You A debt collector may not contact you At inconvenient times or places, such as before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m., unless you agreeAt work, unless your employer approves, and you agree andIf you have an attorney, the debt collector must contact your attorney. A collector may contact third parties (including family, friends, etc.) to try and locate you, but they can only ask for your phone number and where you work. They cannot tell others that you owe money, and in most cases, can only contact a third party one time. A Debt Collector May Not Harass You The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act states that a debt collector may not harass, oppress, or abuse you or any third parties they contact. This means a collector cannot publish your name (except to a credit bureau), repeatedly call you, use obscene or profane language, or threaten you with acts of violence or another form of harm. It is important to remember that a threat to sue you is not necessarily abusive the law allows that anyone you owe money to can sue you if they choose to.If a debt collector is threatening to sue, knowing that at some point they might.It is always better to try to avoid going to court unless you do not owe the money and can prove it. Debt Collectors Must Tell the Truth Debt collectors may not lie or use any false or misleading statements when collecting a debt. Examples of what they cannot lie or mislead you about include who they are, work for, or their position misrepresent in any way, forms or letters sent to you how much you owe or that you have broken the law. Debt Collectors Cannot Make False or Empty Threats Debt collectors cannot make threats or use intimidation tactics to get you to pay a debt. This area gets a little tricky because it can be hard to know if a threat of further action or litigation is a tactic or something the debt collector intends to do. The best thing to do if you are threatened is to tell the collector that you understand the law prohibits them from making threats, and write down everything that was said to you, including the date, time, and person who called. A collector may not tell you that the y will have you arrested if you do not pay your debt. They also cannot threaten to take certain actions against, such as to taking your property, garnishing your wages, or filing a lawsuit. The key words are threaten to because a collector may be able to do these things if it is legal in your state. They just cannot be deceitful about their intentions. Debt Collectors May Not Use Unfair Practices The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act also restricts collectors from asking for amounts you do not owe this includes adding extra fees unless your state law permits them to do so. And, they cannot make you accept collect calls, or pay for telegrams or mailings in an attempt to contact you or collect debts. Unfair Practices also restricts debt collects from using a postcard to contact you. They must enclose all correspondence in an envelope so that no one else can read your mail.
Friday, December 20, 2019
What employees love and hate about the holidays
What employees love and hate about the holidaysWhat employees love and hate about the holidaysThere are many factors to how holidays are handled in the workplace. Work schedules and demands, time off, decorations, and holiday parties all factor into how the season is incorporated into an office space and received by the employees who work there.Last year, we polled our readers to find out what they loved and hated about holidays in the workplace. We received nearly 3,000 responses We explored both the good AND the bad because, well, thats life While we attempt to focus on the positive and provide hope for improving workplaces, we are also committed to being realitys includeschadstoff exchanges among colleaguesholiday meals togetherlistening to Christmas and holiday music at workattending work-related holiday celebrations after work.The conclusion from these seemingly conflicting results? Reading the stories people shared shed some light on the issue. First,people are different(surpri se). Some like certain activities, while others dislike them. Secondly, and possibly more importantly,how the activity was doneseems to have a big impact on peoples responses. Was generosity involved (or did employees have to pay or do the work themselves)? Were the interactions respectful or rude and hurtful?The worst of the badWe asked people to write and tell us examples of theirworstholiday experience related to work. You can read samples of themy worst holiday work experiencestories submitted by over 900 readers. Im sure youll have similar reactions as I did to some (Youve got to be kidding me).There were several, common, repetitive themes from the example stories shared. Each of the following topics had numerous examples given.having to work on the holidays or having to use PTO for the holidaya lack of focus on the holidays, not being able to celebrate Christmas (as opposed to a winter celebration, but also examples of being from a different religious background and feeling fo rced to celebrate Christmas)negative behaviors and poor judgment resulting from excessive consumption of alcoholembarrassing experiences during White Elephant/Secret Santa schadstoff giving.How to turn what I hate into what I loveIf we only report the results without giving some practical suggestions, this exercise is a waste of time. So here are somepractical tips for employers and managersthat can be gleaned from the resultsLeave ample timefor employees to work on the extra year end tasks and reports. Be aware that people feel a time crunch both in their personal lives as well as at work.Whenever possible, dont create artificial deadlines for work to be completed.If possible, let some of the tasks and reports be done in January.Dont forceyour employees to participate in gift giving exchanges (explicitly or implicitly). In fact, see how many people really want to participate considernotdoing a gift exchange activitythe irritation created may not be worth the effort and keeping to p rior tradition.Be sensitiveto scheduling issues and time requirements during the holidays, especially with regards to after work hours events.If you are going to have a meal to celebrate,provide the food(or at least the main course) and account for those who dont eat meat.The best of the goodWhen asked what aspects of the holiday season they enjoy the most, time off work came in at the top. It was closely followed, though, by things that fall into the category of the spirit of the season Christmas lights, listening to Christmas and holiday music, extra time with family and friends, the spiritual meaning of the holidays, and family traditions.When asked what they enjoy about things that happenat their workplaceduring the holidays, time off work was the clear winner. The other top responses involved sharing holiday meals with co-workers, enjoying Christmas cookies and holiday snacks, receiving a bonus, and having a special holiday party.When people sent us responses about theirfavorit ework-related holiday stories, we were touched by the stories that wereboth fun and heart-warming.SuggestionsAs I have stated previously to leaders and HR professionals, you cant please everyone, so be ready for some negative responses, criticisms, and suggestions for what to do differently next year. These types of comments will almost certainly happen, so be ready, and dont let them discourage you.Just as people differ, so do groups. If at all possible, get input from the group (or representatives) ahead of time. Listen to what they dont want to do, and avoid those activities. And try to incorporate at leastsomeof what they suggest into the plan for next years celebrations.Finally, adopt a positive attitudeSmile,laugh,enjoy the food and your friends.Consider the desires and preferences of others.Determine to have a good timeregardless of other peoples reactions.Chances are good that you willThis article was originally published on AppreciationAtWork.
Sunday, December 15, 2019
A Robot Conductor Takes the Stage
A Robot Conductor Takes the Stage A Robot Conductor Takes the Stage A Robot Conductor Takes the StageThe baton came up gracefully for the upbeats and descended forcefully for the downbeats, while the other hand danced along in time, coaxing the musicians from one crescendo to another, the singers from one emotion to another. The musicians were members of the Lucca Philharmonic orchestrathe singers included famed tenor Andrea Bocelli.The conductor welches a robot.YuMi takes center stage in Pisa to conduct Andrea Bocelli and the Lucca Philharmonic Orchestra. Image ABBYuMi is its name and conducting Verdi in Pisa was its debut on the big stage. In fact, it was the first time any robot had directed such an acclaimed orchestra. But YuMi wasnt originally designed to be the first Robotscanini. A product of ABB, aSwitzerland-based engineering firm focused on control systems and other digital technologies, the machine was created to learn gestures and tasks quickly, without the need for the u ser to know a programming language. It can alsobe put to use in almost any kind of industry. In front of an orchestra, YuMidemonstrated both the range of its potential uses and the ease with which it can be taught.While even a mediocre conductor spends decades working in music, YuMi learned the three pieces it was to conduct, along with every gesture to every measure, in a matter of days.In the first step, the robot was guided through the motions of the conductor, says Andrea Cassoni, ABBs robotics manager in Italy. This is an actual type of robot programming used in industry called lead-through programming, where the robot is taught the required movements by beweis rather than programming each individual point of motion in software.The person doing the leading in this case was actual flesh-and-blood maestroAndrea Colombini. Listening to the orchestra, he guided YuMi through each section. As if leading a tango, Colombini took YuMi in a near embrace, guiding its baton-holding hand th rough the music in one pass and then doing the same for the left hand in another pass.Once YuMi had learned all the necessary moves, they were imported into an ABB program called RobotStudio. The software allows userstypically manufacturersto refine the robots movements by tweaking a virtual model. In this case, RobotStudio was used to smooth out and finesse every movement, as well as to synchronize those movements with the score. This was, by far, the simpler parte of the project.The biggest challenge was translating the subtle but wide range of movements necessary to conduct an orchestra into the robots programming, Cassoni says. This took some practice and close partnership between the conductor and robot engineer. But no out-of-the-ordinary software or tools were required.The orchestra musicians followed YuMi perfectly and were awed by its grace and seeming musicality. After the performance, Colombini raved about the machines fluidity. Arguably, a conducting robot could someday put people like him out of a job, or at least free them from attending every rehearsal. On the other hand, perhaps the conducting robot will increase demand for human conductors. Amateur, robot-run orchestras will need someone to program all the pieces the machines might conduct. Currently, though, an amateur orchestra hoping to follow an automaton, and anyone else who wants to put YuMi to use, will have to scrape together $40,000.The YuMi that performed was no more sensitive than an animatronic character at Disneyland. From the first beat to the last note, the robot ran through its program and the musicians followed along. But theres no reason that it couldnt some day be outfitted with a sound sensor so that it could exaggerate a movement if the musicians werent reaching a certain decibelor hitting a predetermined tempo. At the moment,ABB has no intentions of refining YuMis conducting capabilities.Robots continue to capture the imagination of artists, the media, and the general pub lic, says Cassoni. So you never know.Michael Abrams is an independent writer. For Further DiscussionThe biggest challenge was translating the subtle but wide range of movements necessary to conduct an orchestra into the robots programming. Andrea Cassoni, robotics manager, ABB
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Why Everybody Is Talking About Cv Define...The Simple Truth Revealed
Why Everybody Is Talking About Cv Define...The Simple Truth Revealed You may choose to translate your CV. It is crucial to customize your CV for unique positions. A CV is easily the most flexible and convenient approach to produce applications. Your CV may include everything which youve done up to now. Cv Define - the Conspiracy The CV additionally provides a general feeling about the operation of a method. Both are important, especially if youre asking for a client-facing position. Applying an excessive amount of Teflon tape isnt better and may crack the plastic bulkhead fittings For a constant volume procedure, the work is equivalent to zero. In different parts of the Earth, the expression CV keeps its American meaning. You might be requested to lie in various body positions, or to take a deep breath and wait. Additionally, there are certain types of CV training that are unsuitable for some people for instance, in the event you suffer from arthritis or joint problems then impact activities like jogging and running will notlage be helpful for you. Resume CV is a little bit of a misnomer. What is Really Happening with Cv Define Youll also have to have the ability to communicate well, verbally and in writing, and be in a position to deal with projects. Make certain youre employing the appropriate industry-specific language in your applications. Use exactly the same language when you create a CV, therefore its simpler for the man reading it to observe how you match up. The most significant thing you should remember when writing your CV is the fact that it ought to be clear and simple with a good structure. Cv Define at a Glance A CV that combines a distinctive design with information presented in a neat and simple to read format is more inclined to make a good impression on employers If youre not certain where to begin with design, there are many totally free CV templates readily available online. Fortunately theres already a great package called titlesec which offers an effortless approach to customise our header styles. A template is always helpful to get started as it may give you all of the crucial details of what to include. Hearsay, Deception and Cv Define A personal profile at the beginning of the CV can get the job done for jobs in competitive industries like the media or advertising, to assist you to stick out from the crowd. ur data indicate that efforts to decrease contrast nephrotoxicity need to concentrate on efforts to implement a policy of as low as reasonably feasible for contrast media. Researching the role, company and sector trends thoroughly will provide you with a clearer idea of the sort of examples thatll be relevant both immediately and later on. The Dos and Donts of Cv Define Theres no one best format since there are several types and versions of software that you cannot always be sure that the recipient will have the ability to open your CV with no problems, especially if its been prod uced on a PC and is being read on a Mac, or vice versa. The most frequently encountered issue with the CV joints is whenever the protective boot cracks or gets damaged. Make certain there arent any spelling or grammatical errors. If you become aware of errors or can suggest a more correct edition, please allow me to know. What Does Cv Define Mean? In america and Canada, theres a difference between a CV and a resume. A person who has an unwavering resolve. So think about whether its well worth mentioning your interests. Political and religious interests are occasionally taboo, unless somebody has a specific reason he would like to disclose his faith. A CV is your document so that its your responsibility to pick the ideal style, tone and structure, utilizing the guidance that is available to you. The purchase and the emphasis will be contingent on what it is youre applying for and what youve got to offer you. If youve got substantial or appropriate knowledge in a different field, you may add an Additional experience section following your main work-history section. Whats right for you probably is dependent upon the aim of the resume. You may however want prospective employers to seek out your LinkedIn account. Visual CV There is always likely to be another person that has the similar qualifications as you but not everybody will present it in an identical way. In some nations, a CV is typically the very first element a prospective employer encounters concerning the job seeker and is typically utilized to screen applicants, often followed by means of an interview. Attempt to find some advice from someone in the sector in case you dont already do the job there. Type of Cv Define In the same way, decreasing the CV causes the process to lower the PV. By comparison, the true value of the CV is independent of the unit where the measurement was taken, so its a dimensionless number. The normal deviation is only the square root of the variance. Whe n it has to do with soft abilities, however, in place of saying you are in possession of a soft skill, demonstrate that you have it. Soft abilities, on the flip side, are subjective skills that are a lot more difficult to quantify. In the end, there are a number of skills which you shouldnt include. It is hard to go in cold and begin considering your hard and soft abilities, achievements, and other problems that will assist your career. Massive gaps in your CV look just like youve sat around doing nothing rather than having the initiative to go out and find a short-term job. Your CV is not going to get you the job but if done well, should provide you at the very least a foot in the door.Even though there are nearly as many job-related skills because there are jobs, make an effort not to think of them as restricting what you could do. For example, if youre asking for a job at which you should have legal understanding, and also communicate with clients successfully, you may inc lude similar knowledge in job descriptions. Start looking for the essential abilities and think about how your very own past experience is related to the job. Attempt to prevent pole dancing here, particularly if youre asking for a more critical job like a barrister, for example.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
The Newly Leaked Secrets to Resumes Samples Discovered
The Newly Leaked Secrets to Resumes Samples Discovered All About Resumes Samples If your resume does its job, you are going to be getting a call for a work interview. Each time you search for a new job, you would save many hours that you could invest in different things. Looking at how others wrote their resumes can provide you some fantastic ideas. The challenge of being a true student searching for a job tends to be an absence of prior job experience. The Dos and Donts of Resumes Samples As with other creative resumes, it isnt meant for the majority of employers, so you might want to get a traditionally formatted resume on hand to complement it. You should create a resume for each and every job that youre applying for. Its imperative that you dont simply apply these resumes verbatim. Basic resumes typically have an extremely classic and classic tone. The Key to Successful Resumes Samples Be certain to include quantifiable info to truly drive home how valuable you can b e to a prospective employer. Attempt to do a little bit of research on the business youre applying to since the majority of the companies have various values. Have a look at our samples to get a better idea about what makes a good customer tafelgeschirr resume and discover out what it requires to land your dream job. Whether youre applying for work, a grant, or using your resume to construct your own client base, a skilled and well-organized resume is advised. The Benefits of Resumes Samples Chronological resumes are helpful for demonstrating a pattern of working, especially if youre continuing in an overall profession or field. Ensure you highlight technical wisdom and certifications. Notice how the example resumes are extremely specific when it has to do with technical skills. The subject of information technology gets more important each day. With our specialized therapy, youll be in a place to tap the complete potential of your professional network and make sure your profile on social networking channels matches the caliber of your resume. The very first step is to review the work description carefully so that you are able to be certain the position is a superb match for you, and know which qualities and expertise to emphasize on your resume. Resumes are just a page in length (if you dont own a sortiment of years of experience in a specific field), and space is at a premium. Resumes Samples Options Basic doesnt need to mean boring, as you will notice in the broad range of free basic resume templates we offer. Its high-quality PSD file is completely customizable. Basic layouts are extremely simple to edit, even when you have never made a resume before. Employing a resume template has turned into an acceptable and smart practice for numerous factors. Introducing Resumes Samples Keep in mind you will be interviewed eventually during the plan of application. The objective statement tells the employer what kind of position youre seeking, whe re you need to work, and what aspect of the field youre interested in. In truth, its the job of a cover letter to find an employer interested enough in you as a candidate to take some time to examine your resume. If you need assistance figuring out the way to do so, have a look at our office worker resume samples and expert writing tips. Review the work description and review your resume. Below, you will locate a list of resume examples that may aid you with your work search. Resumes are usually categorized by the way in which the info is presented. Boost your opportunities to receive a desirable job with this expert CV freebie. Should you need some tips on how to craft the ideal healthcare resume for your specific field, take a look at our samples and the accompanying writing guides. Make certain that you get the info youre looking for. Perhaps while trying to find examples you noticed poor samples throughout the internet. Take a look at our information technology resume samples for some tips about how to present yourself as the ideal candidate. All About Resumes Samples Our customers say that hiring CareerProPlus is among the best decisions they ever made Recruitment consultants often utilize ATS also. Your jobs might be varied, your experience and techniques vast, and it can be hard getting it all on paper. Transportation jobs involve a lot of responsibility and your resume will want to reflect you can take care of that. Volunteer experience is also a great add-on to healthcare resumes as it shows the hiring manager you have compassion off the work too. The health care industry can be quite competitive. If youre attempting to acquire work in accounting or finance you require averystrong resume. Nowadays people try to find the next job opportunity online, because the work market theres huge The Key to Successful Resumes Samples A resume cant simply be a list of your previous experiences. While all resumes should offer information on your work and education experience, along with your abilities and accomplishments, there are various ways to present this info. Chronological resumes are the ideal place to highlight your accomplishments.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
4 Things Job Seekers Want from Your Website - Spark Hire
4 Things Job Seekers Want from Your Website - Spark HireMost job seekers will visit dozens, perhaps hundreds, of websites before their job search comes to an end. Unfortunately, a lot of those websites are terrible. Websites that are difficult to navigate, unattractive, or out-of-date can deter job seekers from applying to your open positions. Fortunately, you dont have to lose top talent during the online recruiting process just follow these simple website tips. Here are 4 things that job seekers want from your websiteEase of UseYour website has to work well. Forget job seekers. For the sake of your own sanity your website has to work well. This means that all of your links have to work, your site directory has to be useful, and any embedded images or videos need to display correctly. Beyond that, your website needs to be intuitively designed. Your online recruiting strategy shouldnt leave job seekers struggling to find your company employment information. Here are some mora specifi c website tips for making your company website easier to use.Pleasing DesignA pleasing web design goes hand-in-hand with ease of use. However, it is separately important for this simple reason an unattractive website is bad for your online recruiting strategy. Job seekers are accustomed to well-designed websites on the rest of the internet they will expect the same from your company website. An unattractive website looks unprofessional, and implies that your company is behind the times.Up-to-date InformationBeing actually behind the times can be even more troublesome for your online recruiting strategy. Outdated job seeker information is obviously bad. Your online recruiting strategy wont do you much good if you dont keep up-to-date job opportunities posted on your company website. However, its also important to keep the other areas of your website updated. Old dates on company blog posts, outdated news stories, and inaccurate industry information all show job seekers that your comp any lacks a strong digital presence.A Look at Your Company CultureFinally, job seekers want to learn about your company culture from your website. An online recruiting strategy should show job seekers the best parts about your company your company website is the best place to start showcasing your company brand. Display current news stories about how your company (or its affiliates) are interacting in your community. Include photos, blog posts, and mission statements that best advertise what your company is all about. Tastefully plug any recent awards with pull-quote boxes, or commend individual employees. When it comes to website tips, the best advice is to make sure that your company website represents what your company is all about. Thats what job seekers really want from your company website (and for it to not freeze up their computers)What website tips do you have for attracting job seekers? Tell us your best website tips and online recruiting strategies in the comments below.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
This survey reveals the best way to find a mentor
This survey reveals the best way to find a mentorThis survey reveals the best way to find a mentorOlivet Nazarene University recently published a survey of 3,000 participants to get a more vivid picture of a typical mentor-mentee relationship in 2019.Many experts agree mentorsneedto be seminal in establishing a strong foundation for success. Fortunately, the vast majority of participants surveyed forOlivet Nazarene Universitys report have no qualms with this philosophy. A staggering 76% of the 3,000 individuals surveyed believed mentors to be important even if only 37% of that same swimmingpool currently have one.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreIndustries with the fruchtwein mentorsThe study reveals an interesting element that contributes to the popularity of mentorships. Apparently, respective industry and field played a big role. The majority of respondents that professed a cu rrent mentorship belong to careers in Science (66% of responders to be exact).Government follows closely behind with 56% and Education rounds out the top three with 57%.I suppose this makes sense when examined beside the 81% of individuals that say their mentor should work in the same industry as they do and the 61% that said their mentors currently work at the same company as them. Mostof the workers surveyed additionally stated that it helps if their mentor is the same sex.Curiously, careers in finance express some of the lower statistics of mentorship alongside healthcare professionals and skilled labor.The responders that currently have or experienced established and discussed mentor-mentee relationships in the past cite that the average amount of time that they were under tutelage welches a little less than three and a half years, with four meetings taking place less than one time a monthAlthough 63% of individuals dont currently employ a mentor by and large the ones that do sa y they are much happier for it.Developing the relationshipIts important to make sure the person you settle on if you do decide to take on mentorship was arrived at via thorough research and consideration. Randi Bussin, career coach and counselor, wrote forLadders on the topic of mentorship. Be clear on why you want a mentor and why you are meeting.Define what type of help youre looking for in a mentor. Are you looking for someone with similar skills or someone with a very different skill set who can coach you? Are you looking for someone who has gone up the corporate ladder and can advise you on the ins and outs of corporate politics?The Olivet Nazarene University survey made a point to reveal how most lasting mentor-mentee relationships are developed. According to the survey, very few mentorships begin with a mentee asking for a mentor outright. Only about 14% begin this way.One in four mentorships are offered but for the most part, the relationship is procured naturally (61%.)Take a look at the infographic below for more detailed information from the survey.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Do you come across as arrogant 5 workplace behaviors to curb
Do you come across as arrogant 5 workplace behaviors to curbDo you come across as arrogant 5 workplace behaviors to curbMany of us have had to battle the specter of arrogance at one time or another. No one is perfect, and the particularly intelligent must be especially careful about slipping into egotistical behavior. If you worry about being perceived as arrogant at work, read on to check your tendencies and learn about the alternative habits you should be perfecting.Even the most humble have to be wary of any action that can seem arrogant - its the wrongway to get noticed, especially when youre working to climb the corporate ladder.Arrogant habit Acting entitledThink about your everyday behavior and decide whether you would find it acceptable if it were coming from someone who worked for you, instead of someone at your level. Do you hog the conversation, interrupt people or expect the whole meeting to be rehashed for you because you arrived late? If you use your title as an excuse to demand others accommodate your habits and schedule, you could be driving people away with your sense of entitlement.Instead Be the gruppe captain.Rather than use your title to lord over others and demand special treatment, use your role to guide the group to be better, do mora and achieve superior results as a gruppe. Genuinelyengage in communicationwith the group and listen to their thoughts. Team captains arent always the best players - theyre the players who are best at motivating everyone to work together. Use your role to empower and unite.Arrogant habit Belittling othersDressing down someone in an open forum not only embarrasses and demotivates the person in questions, it makes others fear displeasing you. Since all humans eventually make mistakes, people will find opportunities elsewhere rather than stick around and risk being the next person you humiliate in public. Managers should also be careful when engaging in teasing or ribbing - whats acceptable between co-worker s may seem hurtful from a superior.The higher you rise in your organization, the more lightly you must tread with humor that might seem to be at someones expense.Instead Build up, dont tear down.The adage praise in public, correct in private should always hold true. Even when you havecritical feedback to deliver, be sure to do it constructively, respectfully and away from other ears. Dont hesitate to inject some humor into day-to-day life - just be sure its light-hearted and positive instead of cutting. If you must poke fun at someone, poke fun at yourself, but keep self-deprecation to a minimum so people dont feel uncomfortable or obligated to come to your defense.Arrogant habit Being hierarchicalBe wary of appearing to value only the work and the opinions of those higher up. If you seek advice strictly from colleagues and superiors, you risk not only missing out on a great idea but also alienating those who work below you. If you regularly pull rank and demonstrate that you think title matters more than good input, the team will see no point in going the extra mile to bring you exceptional work.Everyone wants to feel their work has value and meaning if you only recognize those around and above you, the team will feel unappreciated and move on to better pastures.Instead Be inclusive.Forget titles and rank, and concentrate on cultivating good ideas and great work. Make meetings more like a roundtable workshop, and less like a one-way information briefing. Instead of telling the team how things are going to be, make an effort tocreate a level playing field. Take the time to explain company vision, philosophy and direction, but make more room for different ways of getting there and be prepared to compromise. Youll be rewarded with a loyal group eager to bring you great ideas and work hard to execute them.Arrogant habit Being inconsiderateDo you pay attention when someone is talking at work, no matter the subject or the speaker? Do you arrive on time to meetings ? Do you fully engage in the conversation? Do you meet commitments you made to your team?Being inconsiderate is more about demonstrating, rather than verbalizing, that you think you are better or more important than others. Reading your phone during a presentation, interjecting when someone is talking, blowing off meetings without notice These all say, I think my time and opinions are more valuable than yours.Instead Be gracious.Focus on the task or the conversation at hand, no matter what the topic. Give your full attention to each person and their presentation. Treat them with equal respect and consideration for their time and input. Be someone who notices and praises the efforts of others, no matter their level. Not only will you learn more and improve your own understanding of the organizations strengths and challenges, youll draw the best talent to you with the best ideas because they know youre listening and appreciative.Arrogant habit Being condescendingThe very smart have to be especially careful of becoming someone who talks down to others. This could be glossing over the details instead of taking the effort to explain properly, or describing things in overly simplistic terms for an audience. Even when youre the most brilliant person in the room, being patronizing is an ugly habit not only will you alienate the person youve talked down to, but youll also put a bad taste in the mouths of anyone who witness it.Instead Be patient.Remember that often, people are perfectly capable of grasping an idea or a situation, but they havent been immersed in the issue like you have been. They lack the background or context, or are processing in their own way. Give space for people to think and evaluate what you are saying anduse your communication skillsto fully and properly explain. Your patience and good humor in properly conveying information will be noted and remembered by those around you.Even the most ingenis people have to guard against appearing arrogant. Wo rk these alternate habits into your daily life and it will become easier and easier to ensure you are presenting an open, inclusive and respectful persona. Note the times you slip into arrogant behavior, such as times of extreme busyness or stress, and be especially mindful when those conditions occur. People will be drawn to your egalitarian ways and help you get ahead.Joel Garfinkleis anexecutive coachand recognized as one of the top 50 coaches in the U.S., having worked with many of the worlds leading companies, including Oracle, Google, Amazon, Deloitte, The Ritz-Carlton, Gap and Starbucks. Recently, he worked with an executive who had received a lot of feedback about being arrogant. Garfinkle designed this checklist to help the executive turn his habits around and become a more inclusive leader. Garfinkle has written seven books, includingExecutive PresenceandGetting Ahead.More than 10,000 people receive hisFulfillmentWorknewsletter. When yousubscribe, youll receive his e-book 41 Proven Strategies to Get Promoted No.This article first appeared on SmartBrief. If you enjoyed this article, sign up for SmartBriefs free e-mailon leadership and communication, among SmartBriefsmore than 200 industry-focused newsletters.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
5 interview tips for seasoned leaders
5 interview tips for seasoned leaders 5 interview tips for seasoned leaders When youâve been in the workforce for a long time, the idea of starting from Square One by going through the hiring process again can be daunting. This may not be your first rodeo, but youâll need to walk the line between seeming appropriately informed and arrogant.Keep these interview tips in mind the next time youâre interviewing for a job.1. Donât act like you already know everythingAuthor and ethnographer Simon Sinek put it best when he said that leaders should never stop learning. So donât arrive at the interview, ready to prove that you - and you alone - have all the answers. Itâs offensive.Remember, itâs important to show that youâre confident, but you should stay humble. Youâre the one in the interview chair, after all.2. Donât talk bad about your previous company or former colleaguesYou, of all people, should know this by now: Word travels fast.You should be well-versed in the idea that whatever you say to one person may not stay with them alone. So ev en if your previous company was embroiled in a public, corporate scandal, thereâs a better way to talk about your experiences than bashing everyone you worked with.Briefly address the situation, but also talk about what set you apart from those involved.3. Show that you have a lot to bring to the table, but are open to new ideasRecruiters arenât looking for someone who canât grow with their position.Each job is an opportunity to learn something new, so you should embrace this mindset in your interview, and later if selected for the position.Show that you can actively draw on the vast knowledge thatâs come along with your experience, but that youâre also just as open to learning new skills and viewpoints.4. Handle pushback with graceThe job might not be in the bag just yet.Barbara Safani, an executive resume writer, career coach, author, and owner of Career Solvers, writes on LinkedIn that you should âanticipate obstacles.ââHiring managers may be resistant to a candi date who has been with the same company for 20 years or has been out of the workforce for 10 years. Have stories of success ready that show that while you were with one company for a long time, you held different roles, worked for many different people, or went through business process changes that required you to be flexible and manage change,â Safani writes. âIf you are returning to work, focus on the skills acquired during your time away from corporate America that have allowed you to grow and are important to a prospective employerâs current business needs.â5. Know your placeResist the urge to run the interview yourself.Jenny Foss, founder CEO of, an author, and career strategist, writes in The Muse that when youâre interviewing (after years of screening candidates yourself), you should âlet the interviewer take charge (but, actively participate).ââAs you settle in for an interview, remind yourself that - this time - youâre not the one conduct ing it. Itâs sometimes hard for business leaders to shift into that alternative role, but itâs important that you do so. Let the interviewer do his or her job, but donât be a doormat,â Foss says.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Skilled Trades Resume Template 2018s Top Format
Skilled Trades Resume Template â" 2018âs Top Format Skilled Trades Resume Template - 2018âs Top Format What Its Like to Work in the Skilled Trades FieldConcrete mason. Labor supervisor. Instrument maker. Floor covering installer. Carpenter. Master Electrician. Boiler Operator. Roofer. CAD Specialist.What all these professions have in common is they are skilled trades. Each requires unique talent and specialized training that have hiring managers scrambling to fill slots. Candidates want to make sure their skilled trades resume carefully delineates accredited college or vocational training, necessary licensing and certification, and the hands-on experience that will get the top salaries.The prospects a skilled trades resume can open up are too vast to list here. Suffice it to say, there likely isnt an enterprise in existence that isnt utilizing one of these professionals every day. From gunsmithing to camera repair to construction, the candidate who can prove their value is going to have a promising career.Benefits of Working in the Skilled Trades FieldWith so many sectors in this fiel d, the greatest benefit is a candidate can find a career that aligns with their lifestyle, background, and education. Many of these positions are awarded from other entry-level positions and on-the-job training. How much time and money you can afford to allot to training can be determined by the career a candidate chooses to pursue.The typical tradesmen can be needed any hour of the day or day of the week. This means flexible schedules. These professionals can work independently on projects, enhancing their experience, reputation, and growing their salary along the way.These are also great opportunities for individuals that arent necessarily interested in working behind a desk or in a conventional office environment.Why You Need a ResumeWhether youre a plumber, painter, or refrigeration mechanic, a good skilled trades resume goes a long way to getting the best prospects. Remember, while your unique skill makes you a commodity to hiring managers, it can also mean a smaller group of c andidates applying for the same opportunities. The skilled trades resume and cover letter are going to be your introduction and your best chance of getting the interview.Skilled Trades Resume TemplatesAutomotive and Motor VehiclesConstructionGardening and LandscapingInstallation and RepairCrafts People and ArtisansLoggingWaste and RecyclingSkilled Trades Resume Questions 1. What is the best design for a skilled trades resume?An effective skilled trades resume should have an organized and straightforward layout that is easy for hiring managers and recruiters to skim. Look for a template that starts with a header with room for contact information and a summary statement or an objective statement (if you are just starting out in your trade).Devote the remainder of the document to your experience, education, and training. Reference a skilled trades resume sample that is suitable for your background and the job you want.2. What goes in the qualifications section of a skilled trades resu me?Customize the qualifications section of your resume for your trade and the type of position you are seeking. Dont list any skills in your document that are not relevant to the position you are seeking. If you are not sure what to include, take a look at a skilled trades resume sample for the type of job you want. You should also carefully read the job description for the specific position you are seeking and identify keywords to use in your document.3. Whats the best format for a resume: PDF, MS Word, or txt?Ideally, employers should specify which file format they prefer. Check the description of the position for which you are applying. If you are still not sure, contact the poster of the job advertisement for clarification. Our skilled trades resume sample and resume builder enable you to effortlessly create a polished document and save it in any of these standard file formats.Resumes saved in PDF or Word allow for customized formatting, whereas a txt file consists of simple tex t. Depending on whether you are submitting file attachments or entering information into a digital application with form fields, employers may prefer or require a certain format.4. Whats the best way to list certifications on your skilled trades resume?Certifications can be essential for occupations in the skilled trades. You have several choices when it comes to listing certifications on your resume. Mention required certifications in your summary statement to address your credentials right off the bat. You can also list certifications in the education section. Refer to a skilled trades resume sample for the type of job you are seeking to see ways to include certifications and licenses. You also have the option to create a separate section devoted to professional qualifications.5. What should you do to make sure your skilled trades resume makes it past an ATS? Using language from the description of the position you are seeking is the most effective way to ensure your resume clears an Applicant Tracking System that scans materials for relevant keywords. Hiring managers and recruiters carefully phrase job ads to increase the likelihood that qualified applicants will apply. See a specialized skilled trades resume sample for ideas about how to include significant language in your document.How to write a Skilled Trades Resume1. Begin by brainstorming your achievementsOn a piece of scratch paper, write down all of your amazing accomplishments and career highlights.2. Find a strong Skilled Trades resume sample to use as a resourceCheck out our Skilled Trades resume samples to gain insight into the process.3. Create an eye-catching header for the top of your Skilled Trades resumeYour header should include your name, phone number, email address, and personal website (if you have one). Make it professional, but attractive.4. Create a compelling summary statementMake a brief statement that covers the most important elements of your professional self. Cover your achievem ents and areas of expertise. Check the job description to make sure it aligns with your statement.5. Outline your technical and soft skills in a skills sectionRight below your summary statement, make a list of your best Skilled Trades skills. Make sure they apply to the job description.6. Outline your work history on your resumeInclude your relevant past jobs. Provide the company names, your dates of employment, and your title.7. Go deeper into your Skilled Trades work historyDetail your role and accomplishments at each position in 3 to 5 bullet points. Keep the job description in mind as you do so. Refer to the list you made in step one.8. Provide your education at the bottomCover the highest degree you earned, where you obtained it, and what year you finished (or will finish).
Monday, November 18, 2019
10 Rules for Dating a Co-Worker This Winter
10 Rules for Dating a Co-Worker This Winter 10 Rules for Dating a Co-Worker This Winter As the temperatures drop, many singles are searching for someone special to snuggle with on winter nights. You know, a âwinter boyfriend,â a âseasonal someoneâ or a âwinter bae.â However, some are taking these relationships to the next level by dating a co-worker. Gasp! Yes, the taboo often becomes popular as snow falls and holiday parties pop up. When you are dating a co-worker , beware of adding more complications to the mix. But, this doesnât mean that is impossible to have a romantic relationship with a co-worker. You just need to go about things a bit differently than you would if you were dating someone you donât work with. While there are no hard and fast rules about dating co-workers, there are some unwritten rules that you should take heed of in order to be able to properly balance your work life and your romantic life. The most important rule about dating in the workplace is do not date your boss. There are several good reasons for this. First, if the relationship doesnât work out, there could be a lot of tension. Also, some of your co-workers are likely to become resentful, and if you receive any perks, bonuses, promotions, etc., they may think that you are just getting special favors or preferential treatment because of your relationship status. Many people make the mistake of dating certain co-workers because they think it is going to help them to get ahead in the workplace . Not only is this a sure-fire way to make a lot of enemies at work, even if you do get ahead, you wonât be doing so on your own merits. If you are going to move up the company ladder, do it on your own. If you get there because of a relationship, you might just find yourself going back down the ladder once the relationship fizzles out. It is never a good idea to rush into any romantic relationship, especially when it involves a co-worker. No matter how attracted you are to the other person, donât jump right into a serious relationship, or jump right into bed. You need to take time and make sure that this really is the person for you, and work on cultivating a solid relationship. Spend time together and really get to know one another. Find out what each other wants from the relationship to make sure that you are going to be right for each other. Even though you are feeling happy and in love at the moment, there are no guarantees that any relationship is going to last forever. You need to be realistic about your situation, and be prepared for a breakup, just in case. How are you going to handle dealing with this person at work every day if you are no longer a couple? Will one of you be willing to move to a different department in order to avoid one another if you canât get along? Are these even things that you want to deal with in the first place? Learn about Office Policies on Dating Some companies allow inter-office dating, while others frown on it. If you are thinking about getting involved with one of your co-workers, you need to find out what the company policy is about dating co-workers . It is a good idea to have a talk with someone from HR to make sure that you arenât going to be breaking any company rules or get into any trouble by dating your co-worker. Donât wait until you have been terminated because dating a co-worker is against company policy. Your relationship needs to be kept separate from your work life, and you need to remain professional at all times while you are at work. This means that you canât be spending your time sending love notes via email to each other, staring at each other from across the room or conference table, or even talking about your relationship. While at work, you both need to maintain a professional appearance, and only talk about work-related subjects. You may be happy and in love, but not everyone wants to see the two of you in public displays of affection, especially in the workplace. âNot only is this unprofessional, it is going to make a lot of people feel very uncomfortable. This goes back to being professional at work. Keep your relationship strictly professional in the workplace, and enjoy the romantic aspect of your relationship on your own time. No holding hands, kissing, hugging, flashing rings or other expensive jewelry,â suggests Paul Gian from Beyond4Cs . You can keep a few dates secret, but if you decide that you want to be in a serious relationship with a co-worker, at some point, you are going to need to inform your employer. It is better that they hear it from you instead of through the office gossip mill. You donât have to go into great detail about your relationship, but it is common courtesy to tell your boss what is going on, and that the relationship is not going to interfere with your performance on the job. In any workplace, there are some people who you can talk to and trust, and there are others who are going to have rumors spread faster than you can tell the truth. It is best to keep your new relationship quiet in the beginning, until you know for sure that things are going to work out. Donât tell anyone about the relationship until you are both comfortable, and you have decided who you can trust and who should be left out of the loop, at least for the time being. If you and your romantic partner are involved in a tiff, donât involve your co-workers. Again, be professional, and keep your relationship out of the workplace. Most people donât want to end up having to take sides and be right in the middle of your fights, and those who do are likely little more than instigators or trouble makers who love the drama, but arenât really there for you. The only exception to this rule is if your best friend also happens to be a co-worker. After all, you need someone to talk to, right?
Sunday, November 17, 2019
How To Protect Companys Online Identity
How To Protect Companys Online Identity How To Protect Companys Online Identity How To Protect Companys Online Identity Thompson and Michael Fertik Whether youre a mom-and-pop business looking for seasonal help or a large retailer, your online brand management is more important than ever, particularly as you recruit candidates. The best and most savvy candidates for any position now spend time researching online before sending a resume, scheduling an interview or accepting an offer. They often look for reviews from current employees, search for information about the employers culture and values and research competitive salary information. Even if a candidate doesnt go online, they are likely to hear echoes of online content from their friends and the media. At the same time, many of your current employees are probably searching online for news and gossip about the company. What they find can shape watercooler talk and either boost or sap your office morale. How False Information Can Spread Online The online culture of anonymity has changed how businesses reputations are made and broken. Sites like GlassDoor, JobBite, and JobVent allow anyone to leave an anonymous review of any company in the world, often with little or no effective validation that the author is even a real employee. These sites allow reviews of everything from law firms to retail to restaurants.Other sites like Vault create lists of the best and worst companies to work for, while countless other web forums feature debates about the best and worst local and regional employers. These sites are designed to rank highly in a Google search for the name of your company and often appear in the first few positions for searches that include your company name and terms like reviews, careers, or employees. Just one false, misleading, incomplete, or outdated review can impact how potential employees see your company.Additionally, web searchers often look at the first three search results that appear in Google and may form their initial impressions about your company based entirely on those results. Whats worse, false information in these sites can create an echo chamber effect: tidbits of false information that appear high in your search results are often copied from one site to another until they are taken as truth.Once you get a reputation as a bad employer, it is often self-sustaining. Taking Control of your Companys Online Reputation It is possible to take back control of your companys online brand management and your hiring process.The first step is finding what is out there about your company.Run a Google search for your own companys name, plus common search phrases like reviews, careers, salary, and employees. Repeat the search in other search engines like Bing. Next, check the major employer review sites mentioned above for reviews of your company; if you find inappropriate content, you can sometimes ask for it to be removed as a violation of the sites Terms of Service. Finally, search on your own personal name, as well as the name of senior management and hiring personnel.Many candidates will use Google to research the people they will be interviewing with, as well as senior management.Other candidates will also check Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites. Run a search for the name of each person who is listed as management or might be interviewing candidates and note what you find. No matter what you discover (and especially if you find false, misleading, outdated, or negative information), you need to take control of your search results.One of the easiest first steps is to simply encourage happy employees to post truthful reviews on job review sites.Most employers find that a simple reminder is enough to get many content employees to share their experiences; anything further (such as a monetary reward) creates complex issues surrounding disclosure and reliability.Stick with the basics. Next, build your companys online presence.If you have not already done so, building a social media presence through sites like Facebook and Twitter can help provide positive search results to allow you to spread your side of the story and block falsehoods from entering the top 10 Google results. Author Bios Michael Fertik is the founder and CEO of ReputationDefender, the worlds first comprehensive online reputation management and privacy company with customers in over 50 countries. A graduate of Harvard Law School, Michael serves on the advisory board of the Internet Keep Safe Coalition. David Thompson is general counsel and Chief Privacy Officer of ReputationDefender. He is a graduate of Yale University and Stanford Law School. His expertise ranges from founding his first Internet business in 1997 to advising seed-stage startups to a clerkship at the Supreme Court of the United States. For more information please visit Follow the authors on Twitter @WildWest2Book.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
NDB Navigation System
NDB Navigation System ADF/NDB Navigation System The ADF/NDB navigation system is one of the oldest air navigation systems still in use today. It works from the most simple radio navigation concept: a ground-based radio transmitter (the NDB) sends an omnidirectional signal that an aircraft loop antenna receives. The result is a cockpit instrument (the ADF) that displays the aircraft position relative to an NDB station, allowing a pilot to home to a station or track a course from a station. ADF Component The Automatic Direction Finder (ADF) is the cockpit instrument that displays the relative direction to the pilot. Automatic direction finder instruments receive low and medium frequency radio waves from ground-based stations, including nondirectional beacons, instrument landing system beacons and can even receive commercial radio broadcast stations. The ADF receives radio signals with two antennas: a loop antenna and a sense antenna. The loop antenna determines the strength of the signal it receives from the ground station to determine the direction of the station, and the sense antenna determines whether the aircraft is moving toward or away from the station. NDB Component The non-directional beacon (NDB) is a ground station that emits a constant signal in every direction, also known as an omnidirectional beacon. An NDB signal operated on a frequency between 190-535 KHz does not offer information on the direction of the signal - just the strength of it. NDB stations are classified into four groups based on the beacon range (in nautical miles): Compass locator - 15, Medium Homing - 25, Homing - 50, and High Homing - 75. Signals move over the ground, following the curvature of the Earth. ADF/NDB Errors Aircraft flying close to the ground and the NDB stations will get a reliable signal despite the signal still being prone to errors: Ionosphere Error: Specifically during periods of sunset and sunrise, the ionosphere reflects NDB signals back to Earth, causing fluctuations in the ADF needle.Electrical Interference: In areas of high electrical activity, such as a thunderstorm, the ADF needle will deflect toward the source of electrical activity, causing erroneous readings.Terrain Errors: Mountains or steep cliffs can cause bending or reflecting of signals. The pilot should disregard erroneous readings in these areas.Bank Error: When an aircraft is in a turn, the loop antenna position is compromised, causing the ADF instrument to be off balance. Practical Use Pilots have found the ADF/NDB system to be reliable in determining position, but for a simple instrument, an ADF can be very complicated to use. To begin, a pilot selects and identifies the appropriate frequency for the NDB station on his ADF selector. The ADF instrument is typically a fixed-card bearing indicator with an arrow that points in the direction of the beacon. Tracking to an NDB station in an aircraft can be done by homing, which is simply pointing the aircraft in the direction of the arrow. With wind conditions at altitudes, the homing method rarely produces a straight-line to the station. Instead, it creates more of an arc pattern, making homing a rather inefficient method, especially over long distances. Instead of homing, pilots are taught to track to a station using wind correction angles and relative bearing calculations. If a pilot is headed directly to the station, the arrow will point to the top of the bearing indicator, at 0 degrees. Heres where it gets tricky: While the bearing indicator points to 0 degrees, the aircrafts actual heading will usually be different. A pilot must understand the differences between relative bearing, magnetic bearing, and magnetic heading to properly utilize the ADF system. In addition to constantly calculating new magnetic headings based on relative and/or magnetic bearing, if we introduce timing into the equation - in an effort to estimate time en route, for example - there is even more calculating required. Here is where many pilots fall behind. Calculating magnetic headings is one thing, but calculating new magnetic headings while accounting for wind, airspeed, and time en route can be a large workload, especially for a beginning pilot. Because of the workload associated with the ADF/NDB system, many pilots have stopped using it. With new technologies like GPS and WAAS so readily available, the ADF/NDB system is becoming an antiquity, and some have already been decommissioned by the FAA.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
How to Use Networking To Find a Job
How to Use Networking To Find a Job How to Use Networking To Find a Job How to Use Networking To Find a Job Courtesy: Weâre going to talk about your social network, and how important the process of making connections can be to your career. Everything comes down to your self-branding, and how well youâre able to maintain it. Far too many members of the workforce donât realize just how helpful career coaching social networking can be â" or how necessary. Job offers are made on LinkedIn every single day (if you have a good Linkedin profile). Facebook has led to some amazing career launches. Never underestimate the power of making friends. Thatâs the first rule of networking. But the second step of the process is exponentially more difficult. Once the emails and phone calls start coming in, how should you handle yourself? What should you say, and what subjects should you avoid? If youâre a first-time job seeker, these are going to be difficult questions for you to answer. After all, youâre just getting started. How should you know what to say to new connections? Thatâs why weâve compiled a list of our top seven networking tips â" what you need to know in order to grab the attention and respect of potential employers (and employer connections). Follow closely. This is how you make a great first impression on all of your connections. That includes LinkedIn, Facebook, person-to-person, and other marketing experiences. 1. Be Appropriate Whether youâre on your personal Facebook page or a live forum, you should always be mindful of what you think, say, and type. You should also consider what you share with your followers and your friends. Anyone can add you, and no amount of privacy settings are going to help you keep your information hidden from the world. Weâd be willing to bet that more than one person has slipped through your security cracks. Itâs as simple as having a mutual friend who is willing to share your information with someone else. A screenshot can be the end of your career â" whether that career is education or business related. Unless you have an endless amount of trust in each and every individual who has access to your pages, you might want to practice censorship. Donât swear. Donât share sexual innuendos. A general rule of thumb is to avoid sharing or posting anything that you wouldnât show to your grandmother. As a public relations scheme, that thought process can be pretty useful. In short, be careful. You never know what connections â" present or past â" are watching. 2. Be Relatable You donât want to be the girl who focuses solely on her looks and posts three selfies every single day. You also donât want to be the boy who uses a shirtless pictures as his profile photo and talks constantly about his obsession with being a vegetarian. Thereâs nothing inherently wrong with any of these things, but they arenât portions of your life that need to be shared with anyone else. Your connections arenât going to be able to relate to you â" and that is one of the most important requirements of all. If they canât relate to you, they canât fall in love with your work ethic and the contributions that you bring to the table. By all means, be yourself. But, at the same time, be smart about it. 3. Be Timely When you receive a message from a client, connection, or potential employer â" jump on that message as quickly as you can. Itâs all about prompt and thorough communication. If you canât manage that, youâre wasting your time and the time of the members of your social network. It only takes a minute or two to develop a proper response using basic spelling and grammar rules. You might need to do this several times a day, but this is how you build a network that works for you. If you donât respond to your connections, youâll find that they wonât respond to your either. Theyâll also react less often to your posts, shares, and pictures. As we said before, everything is about your brand and the message youâre sending to others. You want that message to be positive, interesting, and immediate. Donât make them wait for you. Oops, it looks like this article is not complete You can read the continuation in our April Dream Job Book Click below to find it out : â Get the Job of You Dream in 6 Days/6 Simple Steps â
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Terminated from Employment Definition
Terminated from Employment Definition Terminated from Employment Definition What does is mean when someone is terminated from employment or dismissed from their job? Termination is when an employees job ends. There are two types of job terminations. Termination can be a voluntary termination of employment by the employee. Voluntary termination includes resignation or retirement.Employment termination can also be involuntary - when an employee is terminated by the employer. Employees can be terminated for cause. In that case, an employee is fired or dismissed from their job. Employees can also be laid-off when there is no work available for them. Dismissal From Employment Dismissal from employment (also known as being âfiredâ or âlet goâ) is the termination of employment against the will of the employee. Common Reasons for Dismissal Dismissal can be due to issues with the employeeâs performance, but it also may be due to factors outside the employeeâs control, such as downsizing, company restructuring, or the elimination of a position. Some common reasons for dismissal include poor performance or incompetence, attendance problems, and insubordination or other behavioral problems. Misconduct, or termination for cause, is another common reason for a dismissal. This is when employees are let go because of ethical issues, such as lying, falsifying information, stealing, or other major misconduct in the workplace. Warning Letters or Notices Prior to Termination Many employers have established procedures that managers must follow in order to terminate an employee. Typically, supervisors will be asked to document any problems, develop a performance plan to address issues and formally warn employees prior to terminating them. Warnings often follow a continuum of severity beginning with a verbal warning, proceeding to a written warning and eventually a final warning. Warning letters reference specific problem behaviors, attitudes, ethical or legal transgressions and performance issues. Goals for improvement are specified, and time frames for enactment of changes are established. Warning letters detail consequences, including termination, for failure to meet expectations. At-Will Employment and the Legality of Termination Employers are not required to provide a reason for dismissing an employee. This is because of at-will employment, which allows employers the freedom to dismiss employees, and employees to leave companies without providing notice. However, depending on company policy, you may be able to appeal. There are no laws designated for the sole purpose of protecting the wrongfully or unfairly unemployed. However, termination because of discrimination or retaliation is illegal under civil rights law. Some reasons for wrongful termination can include racial or religious discrimination, retaliation or payback, or refusing to commit an illegal act. Illegal Termination From Employment Dismissal from a position is illegal if an employer fires an employee either for discriminatory reasons or in retaliation (for being a whistleblower, for complaining, for refusing to commit an illegal act, etc.). Illegal dismissal happens when an employer fires an employee in a way that breaks their contract or an employment law. A dismissal is also illegal if an employer does not follow the companyâs own termination procedures. If an employee believes he has been dismissed illegally, he can file a claim and take his case to court. If he wins the case, he may receive monetary compensation for being wrongfully dismissed. In lieu of compensation, another remedy is to reinstate the former employee back into the company. In addition to any compensation won by the employee, the law can also justify charging the employer for punitive damages. In the United States, punishment can vary on account of the countless state and federal laws surrounding this topic. Heres information on wrongful termination from a job, and when you can sue an employer for wrongful termination. Unemployment and Compensation Benefits After Termination Unemployment - Your ability to receive unemployment and other benefits after being dismissed may depend on the reasons provided for your dismissal, as well as your state. Find out more about how to collect unemployment if you are fired.Severance Pay - Some companies may offer severance pay, particularly if the dismissal is due to company-related changes, such as restructuring.Dismissal Compensation - Many companies outline dismissal compensation benefits in their new hire handbook. Some offer weekly compensation for varying weeks with a cap or ceiling on the benefit. Others may offer a lump sum payment. However, there is no obligation for payment until you are covered by a contract or employment agreement that provides for it.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Ways Smaller Models Can Break Into the Industry
Ways Smaller Models Can Break Into the Industry Ways Smaller Models Can Break Into the Industry Think youâre too short to be a model? Think again. The modeling industry has tossed aside its strict height requirements for both male and female models and is now embracing smaller models (not to mention models of any size, age, and ethnicity too!). Instead of focusing on how tall a model is, modeling agencies are focusing on the whole package: beauty, personality, professionalism, and so much more. Many smaller models (the modeling industry prefers to use the term small rather than petite) have found great success in the industry. Youâve heard of Kate Moss, of course. At just 5â 8ââ, sheâs been an unstoppable force since she was first discovered way back in 1988. Even her little sister Lottie, whoâs only 5â 5ââ, signed on with Kateâs agency, Storm Model Management. And letâs not forget about the guys! Take Aaron Frew, a 5â 7ââ male model from Northampton. Billed as the ânew Kate Moss,â heâs starred in international campaigns for Calvin Klein. Do remember that some industries will be harder to break into- high fashion and runway do tend to favor taller models- but that doesnât mean your modeling dreams will never come true. There are plenty of other petite modeling jobs that donât require the stereotypical height requirements of fashion models! From swimsuit and lingerie to hand, feet, and parts modeling, here are a few ways to break into the modeling industry, no matter your height. Commercial Modeling You donât have to be six feet tall to sell cosmetics, jewelry, pharmaceuticals, hotels, cars, and other products and services outside the realm of high fashion. Your job is to sell a lifestyle that appeals to the masses, and the masses arenât a tall bunch. The average female height in the US is about 5â4ââ, and the average male height is around 5â9ââ. What makes commercial modeling an especially good industry for petite models to get into, aside from the lack of height requirements, is that agencies and brands are a diverse clientele looking for diverse models. That means theyâre looking for memorable models who represent all ages, sizes, and ethnicities! Swimsuit Modeling When it comes to swimsuit modeling, a fit, curvaceous body is more important than height. If you have a toned, yet feminine figure, along with beautiful skin, teeth, and hair, you may find your place in the swimsuit modeling industry. Male swimsuit models, too, donât have to worry too much about their height. What matters most is that you are athletic, fit, and toned. Itâs okay if your measurements are a bit larger than those of a fashion model because you donât have to worry about fitting into standard size jackets. Lingerie and Underwear Modeling Just like swimsuit models, lingerie models need to be fit and healthy and have a womanly figure. They donât need to be as voluptuous and sensual as Sports Illustrated swimsuit models, but they do need to be attractive and comfortable with their bodies. Male underwear models also need to be fit and healthy (like swimsuit models, many started off as athletes or trainers). They also need to be attractive and have a relaxed, confident attitude while modeling, which isnât always easy when youâre wearing nothing but underwear! Parts Modeling Parts models only model specific body parts, such as hands, feet, legs, eyes, backs, teeth and even earlobes. So as long as the model meets certain size and aesthetic requirements, it really doesnât matter how tall they are. Petite models are highly sought after for parts modeling because their hands and feet are often smaller and more appealing than those of taller models. Donât forget that parts modeling is still modeling, though. Youâll need to know how to work your chosen body part for the camera and take great care to protect it.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Reported Hype on Hair Stylist Resume Revealed
Reported Hype on Hair Stylist Resume Revealed A keen look at the work listing gives you a great idea of the main key terms to grow your resume. Our resume builder makes it simple to create a well-written resume in a few minutes. So spend a couple of minutes picking apart each work description to find precisely what the employer is searching for in a candidate. Spend a few minutes picking apart each job description to find exactly what he or she is looking for in a candidate. The capacity to adapt to changing situations is important on account of the selection of clients and their demands. Developing a viable portfolio is a powerful approach to demonstrate how you have transformed heads of hair previously. When you make your hair dressing resume, there are a couple of basic elements that need to be included. There'll always be people who would like to have their hair styled, so the problem of market availability shouldn't be an issue. The Hair Stylist Resume Game To maxim ize your chances of receiving an interview you must customize your resume to every position you apply for. On the flip side, if you've got a well-written resume, the time of locating a job can be drastically reduced. Get the job that you deserve, not the one you're stuck in. Perhaps you will discover you will want to get an excellent part-time job to hold up your self as you go following your fantasy livelihood. Hair Stylist Resume Ideas The ideal technique is to study the whole procedure of earning resumes that are perfect. In the event that you want to re locate to find work, you probably know it's best to render your present address your own resume. You should have the ability to grab the interest of your prospective employer in the objectives section of the CV. A fantastic Resume is crucial together using all of the guidance of pros, especially in case you ought to be somewhat fresher. The Basics of Hair Stylist Resume Extra points in case you can minimize the look of thinning hair. At the very least you will obtain experience and at best, you will get started building a base of your own customers who might follow you whenever you move to some other shop. The ideal hair stylists are capable of using their customer service abilities to develop a loyal customer base with time. If you are prepared to apply customer your very first job for a hair resume, you wish to be certain your customer can help you stick out from other applicants. Your CV or resume can significantly influence your odds of landing a job for a hairstylist. Ensure stylists remain on schedule by giving services for walk-in customers or helping different stylists once an appointment takes longer than predicted. As a creative stylist you are able to opt to use a creative design for your resume, or you may decide to go with a more conventional design. Hair Stylist Resume - the Story There are various facets to think about when writing a resume, but among the most important is your abilities. Simply because you won't have a chance to demonstrate how skilled you are until after you're hired, and the sole way which you can convince the employer to hire you, is by producing a skills section on your resume that's a tell-tale. You need to be able to find a position more easily in the event you have a great deal of knowledge and you may provide a variety of diverse skills. The very first skill you will have to have in order to make different skills o bvious is your written communication abilities. Ahead of you start work, you ought to be prepared that writing a resume isn't so hard, but nevertheless, it can take a while. Before you begin work, you ought to be prepared that writing a resume is not so hard, but nevertheless, it can take a while. Instead, you've got to tailor your resume to find each and every work that you apply for. Film work is on a self-employed basis. Using Hair Stylist Resume The very first thing that you ought to do when you compose a hair stylist resume is to pick a suitable template. The very first thing that you ought to do when you compose a hair stylist resume is to select a suitable template. If you're inclined to work as a hair stylist you must require a winning hair stylist resume so that you're going to be handed over the work position. To acquire the interest of the latest salons in your region, you will want a hair stylist resume that's properly shampooed and blow-dried. Styling hair is a critical skill and will provide you with advantage. Hairstyling is among the most rewarding jobs on earth.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
The Appeal of What Size Font Should a Resume Be
The Appeal of What Size Font Should a Resume Be For that reason, it's wise to use common software and formatting alternatives. In the united kingdom, the conventional A4 size is used. There is a whole lot of cool fonts you may be tempted to utilize for your resume since they look both appealing and professional, but should you want to make sure your document will translate well on Windows and Mac PCs, it is recommended to choose one which is available on both operating systems. Type of Resume The exact first step to consider prior to building a resume is to pick the sort of the resume. A Secret Weapon for What Size Font Should a Resume Be In addition, if you're employing a single spacing, a huge font size will appear weirdly, so everything should stick to some proportions. If you're looking for an old-style font, you should think about using Garamond for your resume. Selecting the most suitable font, the appropriate format, and the right font size is equally as critical as the set of skills you're going to pitch to your prospective employer. Apart from your name, which ought to be a bit bigger, the font size throughout your resume should be the exact size to guarantee readability. On these days, there are several fonts to pick from that it can get confusing as to which ought to be used for a resume. The very best font pairs agree with one another. Whichever your choice, be certain to stick to one to keep it presentable versus employing a number of distinct fonts that could crowd the webpage and force you to appear disorganized. You have many alternatives when it comes to selecting a font size and fashion. Besides font types, the typical font size also needs to be carefully considered when writing an executive resume. You shouldn't risk your job for the interest of an incorrect font choice! You would like your words and message to be noticed, not your font choice. With so many choices readily available, determining the very best font for a resume can occasionally be a complicated decision. But although it is highly readable and safe, bear in mind that, like Arial, utilizing the TNR might be construed as unimaginative and boring, thus there's a chance that it wouldn't stand out in a pool of resumes. Bear in mind that you will pattern your actual resumes employing these samples so be wary in deciding on the perfect one. Naturally, there are dozens and dozens of distinct fonts to select from, but not all them are befitting to use on a resume, so picking one is extremely important to be in a position to land work. The crucial concept to keep in mind while selecting one is simplicity. In the end, make certain that you continue to keep your resume concise. Use templates to produce the letters and create a new resume (which might be accurate or fictitious). Review these formatting tips to make sure your letter is likely to make the very best impression. The info above applies primarily to instances where you're sending a conventional cover letter by snail mail or when ever you're sending an official cover letter for a Word or PDF attachment to an email message. If you have sufficient room on your resume, you ought to go with a size 12. Be consistent with stylization, and just select one or two to make sure your resume appears professional and simple to read. Use bold sparingly for optimum impact. The hiring manager only looks at a resume for a couple seconds so that you're going to want to make sure your chief points and qualifications are simple for a hiring manager to spot. In much the same manner, a poorly presented CV can ruin your odds of being shortlisted for interview even if you're the ideal candidate for the job. Adhere to the Job Profile It is essential that your resume must be in compliance with the job. When you wish to land that ideal job then you ought to have a stellar resume. The Death of What Size Font Should a Resume Be One other important issue is that the amount of your resume actually gives an employer a comprehens ion of how good you're at conveying essential information quickly and how can you know what's crucial. It may also impact the method by which the man looking at your resume perceives the info available. If you're person that has a master's degree, then you need to examine an illustration of a covering letter for a professional with degrees. Forget the notion of resume length. Spaces between headings and text has to be the exact same everywhere. You should choose which fonts and formatting qualities would be appropriate for your project (resume, in this instance, but nevertheless, it will get the job done for any other sort of documents). Sans-serif fonts don't have the lines at the conclusion of each stroke. As a rule of thumb, the font you ought to use for an executive resume ought to be clear, scalable and legible.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
What You Must Know About Resume Rubric
What You Must Know About Resume Rubric The next paragraph is going to be the overview of your proposal. Writing an excellent letter that may guarantee approval from a prospective benefactor is an issue of preparing the info you're likely to include in the document beforehand. If you've already attached your existing resume, you don't require thesis statement on immigration in the us repeat what's already in you are able to. Typically, a rubric must be actually utilized in order to recognize its weaknesses. Introducing Resume Rubric It is possible to meet with an employment advisor to examine your progress. College application essay rubric In case the career change is a result of private deficiency of performance at work then there's s nobody to blame but yourself. To target a specific employer or career field, you might want to prepare individual resumes for the true interview. In the same way, organizations want to get the most acceptable candidate in accordance with the job requirements. After all, employers should be in a position to read your infographic to understand what you're about. If you wish to be a payroll specialist, then your payroll specialist resume must demonstrate you have a strong awareness of responsibility and the skills necessary to be sure all employees are paid punctually and in full. A job may be an experience building stepping stone if you already know what sort of career you'd like to make in future. Your Job Search Goals We will understand your work search goals ahead of the building of your resume. Just take a look and see what you could do. If you're applying for positions in a number of unique places, the objective could be omitted from your resume. There's no need to place the word resume'' or words resume of'' at the very top of the webpage. Sooner or later during the hiring procedure you are going to be requested to furnish references. Top Choices of Resume Rubric Read my essay writing service reviews and my guide to selectin g the ideal service for everything you want to understand about how to pick the best writing businesses. Just as with any other cover letter, it is beneficial to check at a template when writing an email cover letter. Once you locate a service you prefer, don't neglect to look at my review of it. It's critical that the service you decide on knows for sure they're only employing the ideal essay writers. The Foolproof Resume Rubric Strategy Ultimately the letter will be put on a PageMaker document that has been produced by the student. Before you print a document is almost always a fantastic concept to PRINT PREVIEW to check out what is going to look like. In some instances where the meaning is clear, you may use icons to replace text. You may use the template for single or a number of candidates. Only professionals in some specific careers should look at employing a graphic resume design period. Infographic resumes supply you with the chance to creatively show off your fines t assets. In the majority of cases, payroll specialists get a four-year degree in accounting and likewise some more education in business and finance. Our payroll specialist resume samples provide templates which will help you organize your information in the best way. If the kind of student performance demands interpretation, a rubric can be utilised to recognize and characterize the ranges of performance that may be observed. Utilizing a writing service is the perfect method to have a well-written essay to use as a guideline to guarantee the essays you write are hitting each one of the essential points and are at the appropriate depth needed for your academic grade. By way of example, in a biography undertaking, students may be expected to include five interesting truth about their person so as to find the maximum number of points on the rubric. Look at these eight resources to make sure your resume shines. The Chronicles of Resume Rubric Resumes are a great deal more tha n only a very simple table of your prior responsibilities. Educational information is included alongside certifications and exceptional skills. All information on your resume have to be accurate and updated. View examples of resumes from a number of majors. Rubrics are a quick and effortless method to assess students' work. A Rubric template is simply a tool created to produce the life span of every educator out there straightforward. Actually, a Blank Rubric template is the perfect tool if you would like your students to comprehend the assignment you've given them in the classroom. Just download a cost-Free Rubric Template and utilize it as it. The Ideal Strategy to Resume Rubric Mention specifically how your abilities and experience match the job you're applying for. Even for those who have no true work experience, you might have experience from volunteering, school activities, or relevant hobbies that could show employers achievements and transferable skills that sati sfy their requirements. As stated above, conveying your skills in your achievements is a good way to boost your appeal as a possible job candidate. You'll also notice her accomplishments are quantified when necessary, making accomplishments that a lot more impressive.
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